6/10/22 у 6:56 PM Segher Boessenkool напісаў:
On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 10:42:03AM -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
On Fri, 2022-06-10 at 15:29 +0300, Fiodar Stryzhniou wrote:
Looks like you right. Harcoded to -j6 helps.
Another way to go is to add the "-l" option. This is often combined
with "-j" (no limit) to have your build limited by load rather than by
job count.
So if you want the load on your system to be no greater than 2, you can
say "-j -l2".
The load average is only computed every 5s, so if you have a faster
machine it can bring your system to its knees in that time already, by
starting thousands of tasks.
Since maximum acceptable loadavg is very system specific as well, you
can just always use -j<N> instead, or -j<N> -l<M>. Just never use -j
without number after it :-)
I read make --help before use =) Reading is always good.
I build binutils and gcc many times with that script. Error comes from
oldest and stable part in my script. I'm confused.
Fiodar Stryzhniou