> Granting that I am proceeding from a position of ignorance, I am not expecting an attempted invocation of "arm-none-eabi-gcc". My reasoning is that the build process is taking place on GNU/Linux, while "arm-none-eabi-gcc" is the name I expect for one of the compiler executables that will run on Windows. Just prior to the error, the GCC build copies xgcc.exe to gcc-cross.exe, which I presume is the compiler executable that will ultimately correspond to "arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe". But that .exe can only run on the --host system, i.e. on Windows. To build the target libs for the --target system (i.e. arm) you need an arm compiler that runs on the --build host (i.e. x86_64 Linux). So to build this combination you need to already have an arm cross compiler to run on your build system. Thanks for sharing this clarification, Jonathan. Although I referred to the documentation, I did not grasp the prerequisite of a native cross-compiler. The documentation takes pains to spell out the distinction among host, build, and target machines, and that they can be different from each other. Somehow, the need to start with both a native and a cross toolchain for the build machine eluded me. Regards, Tom