Hi there, >From time to time I see odd c++ symbols appearing in my Debian symbol file. For example when packaging the CharLS library: * https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=charls&arch=amd64&ver=2.2.0%2Bdfsg-3&stamp=1632479482&raw=0 I need to hide some symbols. Otherwise some c++ symbols appears such as: _ZSt12__miter_baseIPhEDTcl12__miter_basecldtfp_4baseEEESt13move_iteratorIT_E with: % echo _ZSt12__miter_baseIPhEDTcl12__miter_basecldtfp_4baseEEESt13move_iteratorIT_E | c++filt decltype (__miter_base(({parm#1}.base)())) std::__miter_base<unsigned char*>(std::move_iterator<unsigned char*>) Where is it coming from ? My CXXFLAGS is set to `-fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden`. Thanks much,