Hi, I hope I write to the right place. I would like to know how to use the module mapper, documented here https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C_002b_002b-Module-Mapper.html, to change the location of the expected gcm.cache directory. Given an example project layout: src/ Makefile project_1/ // .cpp source files Makefile project_2/ // .cpp source files Makefile Compiling from inside project_1 and project_2 folders does not work with the default module mapper, as gcc expects the module cache to be located in current working directory, which is a problem if project_2 references modules built in project_1. However, I can specify a module-mapping file. But I can't get it to work. What would be the correct syntax for such a file, located in project_2, to override the default module cache to read from modules in src/gcm.cache/ and NOT src/project_2/gcm.cache/ ? This does not work: // module_mapping.txt '$root' ../gcm.cache/ And I do not want to prepend "cd .. && " to all build commands in src/project_2/Makefile. Sincerely, Alexander