Dear devs, I wanted to know if it is possible to dump the control flow graph representation of functions before/after each optimization pass. I found that it is possible to dump the IR after each optimization pass using the following flags: -fdump-ipa-all-all -fdump-rtl-all-all -fdump-tree-all-all. I also found that using the flag -fdump-tree-all-graph can dump the control flow graph representation into .dot files. However, when I compared the number of files generated by both of these sets of flags, I found that the first set generated more files than the second one. I believe this is because the second set only dumps the graph representation for the optimization passes that fall into -fdump-tree and does not include the optimization passes for -fdump-ipa and -fdump-rtl. Is there a way to dump the control flow graph representation for all of the optimization passes ? Please let me know Thank you. -- Regards Jayakrishna Menon