Hello GCC, I am stuck debugging the compilation of my kernel module. The files and copy-pasted description of this problem can be viewed here: github.com/omatiusha/cdevmod . My dir structure is following: .. |-linux (here resides the source code for linux kernel 5.14.0-09718-g4b93c544e90e, | built with GCC Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04 + binutils 2.34) |-linux-cross (here resides the source code for linux kernel 5.14.0-09718-g4b93c544e90e, | built with x86_64-linux-gcc 8.5.0 + binutils 2.36.1 | from https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/tools/crosstool/). | Tried also versions 9.4 and 11.1 from there. |-extmodules - repo mentioned above. I am trying to get my module working with kpatch (github.com/dynup/kpatch) and get stuck debugging the compiler. To spot the place when everything gets wrong, I compile this module independently four times, with host or cross compiler, and patched or unpatched. make KCFLAGS="-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" for host-compiler, and CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux- suffix=-cross make KCFLAGS="-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" for cross-compiler. Then I dump symbols with objdump -t cdevmod.o and full text with objdump -s cdevmod.o | grep PATCHED -C5. And notice that for a host compiler, both sections .rodata.cdev_read.str1.1 and .rodata.cdev_read.str1.8 are present in symbol table of patched version, while for a cross compiler section .rodata.cdev_read.str1.1 is present as a section, but absent in the symbol table. This causes kpatch utilities not to work properly and crash. I want the cross compiler to behave like host one. Please someone suggest why it behaves differently. Best regards, Oleh Matiusha