Hi, Just a little warning about Bill Cunningham, who has been asking questions on the gcc-help mailing list. He is a well-known character who has been an on and off member of the comp.lang.c Usenet group for perhaps two decades. In all that time, he has repeated a pattern of asking about rather advanced topics in C (such as details of compilers), while demonstrating that he has almost no understanding of the language. He claims to want to learn, but does not take advice or recommendation - he wants to learn C by examining C compilers, rather than by reading a book or doing a course. I, along with many in comp.lang.c over the years, have tried to give him advice and suggestions, but it has not succeeded in the past, and I don't expect it to succeed now. I think there is a strong chance that he will ask more questions here in the near future, and if he is true to past form, they will get increasingly detailed or bizarre. People who try to help him often end up frustrated and annoyed - I'm giving you this heads-up so that you see it coming, and don't end up pulling your hair out over him like others have! If I am wrong, and he really has learned something about C, and really does come way with an understanding of compilers from looking at the gcc source, then that would be great. mvh., David