Dear gcc maintainers, I'm trying to install gcc-10.3.0 on a 64-bit PC running Crux Linux 3.5. Make gives the error "bit_AVX512VPTINTERSECT not declared" in cpuinfo.c, line 392 or so, and then AVX512BF16 is not declared 4 lines later. The same thing was happening with 10.2 and I don't know whether I've misconfigured something to do with 32-bit libraries for cross-compiling or whether these bits refer to features of machines more advanced. Can I switch off support for these technological advances? I couldn't see anything in help for ../configure. The closest thing I could find on the internet was on a gentoo forum but had no acknowledgement of a problem. The patches I've seen seem to be directed to Intel developers, at least not to ordinary users trying to compile gcc. Can you confirm that it needs a patch or suggest some files I might modify? Thank you for considering my case, John Hendry