Dear Team GCC,
I am trying to reproduce the attached code. However, the result only
reported the values for output, capital and consumption.
That is, it does not show me the elapsed time and neither does the code
execution appear at the prompt.
However, in online compilers I can obtain these results and more the
code execution and the elapsed time.
My command for execution is as follows: gcc RBC_C.c -Wall -o RBC_C.
Is there any other option besides -Wall and -o to show the execution of
the command and the elapsed time?
Sorry for such a trivial question, but I am not in the area of
computing, in fact, I am an economist. But I want to start using C / C
++ as my tool to carry out my empirical studies.
My OS is Windows 10.
Thanks in advance for your attention!
Best wishes,
*Alexandre Loures*
Assistant Professor
Federal University of Paraiba <>
Pós-graduação em Economia - PPGE
// Name : RBC_C.c
// Description : Basic RBC model with full depreciation
// Date : July 3, 2014
// Adapted from C++ to C by Santiago González <sangonz@xxxxxxxxx>
// This can be now compiled as C, C++, or Obejctive-C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> // power, fabs
// The next few lines are just for counting time
// Windows
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
double get_cpu_time(){
FILETIME a,b,c,d;
if (GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(),&a,&b,&c,&d) != 0){
// Returns total user time.
// Can be tweaked to include kernel times as well.
(double)(d.dwLowDateTime |
((unsigned long long)d.dwHighDateTime << 32)) * 0.0000001;
// Handle error
return 0;
// Posix/Linux
#include <time.h>
double get_cpu_time(){
return (double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
int main() {
double cpu0 = get_cpu_time();
// 1. Calibration
const double aalpha = 0.33333333333; // Elasticity of output w.r.t. capital
const double bbeta = 0.95; // Discount factor;
// Productivity values
double vProductivity[5] ={0.9792, 0.9896, 1.0000, 1.0106, 1.0212};
// Transition matrix
double mTransition[5][5] = {
{0.9727, 0.0273, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000},
{0.0041, 0.9806, 0.0153, 0.0000, 0.0000},
{0.0000, 0.0082, 0.9837, 0.0082, 0.0000},
{0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0153, 0.9806, 0.0041},
{0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0273, 0.9727}
// 2. Steady State
double capitalSteadyState = pow(aalpha*bbeta,1/(1-aalpha));
double outputSteadyState = pow(capitalSteadyState,aalpha);
double consumptionSteadyState = outputSteadyState-capitalSteadyState;
printf("Output = %g, Capital = %g, Consumption = %g\n", outputSteadyState, capitalSteadyState, consumptionSteadyState);
printf(" ");
// We generate the grid of capital
int nCapital, nCapitalNextPeriod, gridCapitalNextPeriod, nProductivity, nProductivityNextPeriod;
const int nGridCapital = 17820, nGridProductivity = 5;
double vGridCapital[nGridCapital];
memset (vGridCapital, 0.0, 0*0*sizeof(vGridCapital));
for (nCapital = 0; nCapital < nGridCapital; ++nCapital){
vGridCapital[nCapital] = 0.5*capitalSteadyState+0.00001*nCapital;
// 3. Required matrices and vectors
double mOutput[nGridCapital][nGridProductivity];
memset (mOutput, 0.0, 0*0*sizeof (mOutput));
double mValueFunction[nGridCapital][nGridProductivity];
memset (mValueFunction, 0.0, 0*0*sizeof (mValueFunction));
double mValueFunctionNew[nGridCapital][nGridProductivity];
memset (mValueFunctionNew, 0.0, 0*0*sizeof (mValueFunctionNew));
double mPolicyFunction[nGridCapital][nGridProductivity];
memset (mPolicyFunction, 0.0, 0*0*sizeof (mPolicyFunction));
double expectedValueFunction[nGridCapital][nGridProductivity];
memset (expectedValueFunction, 0.0, 0*0*sizeof (expectedValueFunction));
// 4. We pre-build output for each point in the grid
for (nProductivity = 0; nProductivity<nGridProductivity; ++nProductivity){
for (nCapital = 0; nCapital < nGridCapital; ++nCapital){
mOutput[nCapital][nProductivity] = vProductivity[nProductivity]*pow(vGridCapital[nCapital],aalpha);
// 5. Main iteration
double maxDifference = 10.0, diff, diffHighSoFar;
double tolerance = 0.0000001;
double valueHighSoFar, valueProvisional, consumption, capitalChoice;
int iteration = 0;
while (maxDifference>tolerance){
for (nProductivity = 0;nProductivity<nGridProductivity;++nProductivity){
for (nCapital = 0;nCapital<nGridCapital;++nCapital){
expectedValueFunction[nCapital][nProductivity] = 0.0;
for (nProductivityNextPeriod = 0;nProductivityNextPeriod<nGridProductivity;++nProductivityNextPeriod){
expectedValueFunction[nCapital][nProductivity] += mTransition[nProductivity][nProductivityNextPeriod]*mValueFunction[nCapital][nProductivityNextPeriod];
for (nProductivity = 0;nProductivity<nGridProductivity;++nProductivity){
// We start from previous choice (monotonicity of policy function)
gridCapitalNextPeriod = 0;
for (nCapital = 0;nCapital<nGridCapital;++nCapital){
valueHighSoFar = -100000.0;
capitalChoice = vGridCapital[0];
for (nCapitalNextPeriod = gridCapitalNextPeriod;nCapitalNextPeriod<nGridCapital;++nCapitalNextPeriod){
consumption = mOutput[nCapital][nProductivity]-vGridCapital[nCapitalNextPeriod];
valueProvisional = (1-bbeta)*log(consumption)+bbeta*expectedValueFunction[nCapitalNextPeriod][nProductivity];
if (valueProvisional>valueHighSoFar){
valueHighSoFar = valueProvisional;
capitalChoice = vGridCapital[nCapitalNextPeriod];
gridCapitalNextPeriod = nCapitalNextPeriod;
break; // We break when we have achieved the max
mValueFunctionNew[nCapital][nProductivity] = valueHighSoFar;
mPolicyFunction[nCapital][nProductivity] = capitalChoice;
diffHighSoFar = -100000.0;
for (nProductivity = 0;nProductivity<nGridProductivity;++nProductivity){
for (nCapital = 0;nCapital<nGridCapital;++nCapital){
diff = fabs(mValueFunction[nCapital][nProductivity]-mValueFunctionNew[nCapital][nProductivity]);
if (diff>diffHighSoFar){
diffHighSoFar = diff;
mValueFunction[nCapital][nProductivity] = mValueFunctionNew [nCapital][nProductivity];
maxDifference = diffHighSoFar;
iteration = iteration+1;
if (iteration % 10 == 0 || iteration ==1){
printf("Iteration = %d, Sup Diff = %g\n", iteration, maxDifference);
printf("Iteration = %d, Sup Diff = %g\n", iteration, maxDifference);
printf(" \n");
printf("My check = %g\n", mPolicyFunction[999][2]);
printf(" \n");
double cpu1 = get_cpu_time();
printf("Elapsed time is = %g\n", cpu1 - cpu0);
printf(" \n");
return 0;