On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 10:57, Florian Weimer wrote: > > * emile fortes: > > > Does the gplv3 exception allows us to use libstdc++ in proprietary > > software , WHITOUT having to "...provide whatever information or > > data necessary to install modified software on the device..." > > This depends on what your software does, and what kind of contractual > arrangements you have with the recipients of your software. And what you mean by "use libstdc++ in proprietary software". I don't see how the runtime exception is relevant to installing modified GPLv3 software on a device though. If your software is proprietary, then it's not covered by the GPLv3, so is not covered by the anti-tivoization clause. > You need > to hire your own lawyer for advice. And read https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gcc-exception-3.1-faq.en.html if you haven't done so already. The exception means you can use GCC to compile proprietary C++ code. Software covered by the GPLv3 is still covered by the GPLv3.