Given this program:
#define PP_THIRD_ARG(a,b,c,...) c
#define VA_OPT_SUPPORTED_I(...) PP_THIRD_ARG(__VA_OPT__(,),1,0,)
#include <iostream>
int main()
int result = VA_OPT_SUPPORTED();
std::cout << result;
return 0;
as a test for __VA_OPT__ support in a C++ compiler ( taken from
I have discovered that __VA_OPT__ support started with gcc-8.1. However
I have also discovered that the support occurs no matter what the C++
standard level is used for the compilation and not just when the option
is 'std=c++2a'. In other words I can compile the program with
'std=c++03', link and run the program and the program will output 1,
showing __VA_OPT__ support, rather than 0, which shows that __VA_OPT__
is not supported.
If I compile the above with any version of gcc lower than gcc-8.1 the
program will outpyt 0 no matter what -std mode I use.
Is this intended, that the C++20 __VA_OPT__ support works in all modes
for gcc-8.1 and higher ?