Good afternoon! The problem was in code part where I used the type "unsigned long" (linux 8 bytes, windows 4 bytes). Type replaced with "unsigned int" Why when I have turned off the optimization (O0)the error does not appear? 2018-04-25 16:27 GMT+05:00 Игорь Сотниченко <igor.sotnichenko@xxxxxxxxx>: > Hello! > > 1. There is a decent difference between calculations on Visual > studio compiler and gcc 7.1 in calculation result of my program. > > 2. When optimization in gcc are disabled, then there is no > difference. > > 3. When I have replaced O2 with keys from O1 and O2 ( >, then there is > no difference in results, but there is a calculation speed degradation > compared to O2. > > >