Dear All, I am running debian unstable on an amd64 kaveri box. I recently installed GCC 8 from the Debian experimental site: I also installed libelf-dev. It did run correctly without it. I have been using it to try to compile and install linux kernel 4.14.15 using the debian package make-kpkg. The output from doing this is here: I copied over the config file from/boot and ran make-clean and the command: yes "" | make oldconfig before running make-kpkg. Kernel compilations I do in gentoo usually take a while. This ran too quickly I think. Something is not quite right here. Perhaps some more depedent packages needed to be installed to make GCC8 run happily. Do you have a test file I can compile that will check whether GCC 8 is really running correctly? The discussions on these two threads are relevant: We are all trying to compile kernels that defeat the meltdown and spectre vulnerabilities. Comments appreciated. Regards Michael Fothergill