Hello everyone, I am new to the HSA Topic and am currently playing with the BRIG frontend. I have somehow managed to generate a BRIG file using the „gccbrig-7.2 -o test.brig test.c -fopenmp“ option. I have installed the the gcc-7.2 release. When I trie to translate the .brig file to an .hsail file via the HSAIL-tool (that i cloned from git), I get the Error: Missing module directive. Am I using the wrong compiler options? My Code ist a C-code with an OpenMP pragma above a Loop. I simply assign values from one Array to another using „# pragma omp parallel for private (i)“. Is there any documentary on gccbrig? Best Regards, Anna Gesendet von Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> für Windows 10