Hello, I observed some weird results about the dependency generation. Suppose the source code structure is as follows: root |-- c | |-- c.cpp | |-- c.h 'c.cpp' includes the header file 'c.h' by #include "c/c.h" Now I try to generate the dependencies for c/c.cpp. (A) If I'm now in 'root' folder and run command g++ -MM -MT c/c.o c/c.cpp the compiler outputs c/c.o : c/c.cpp # which is wrong because it lacks c/c.h (B) If I'm in folder 'c' and run command g++ -MM -MT c.o c.cpp the compiler can ouput the correct results c.o : c.cpp c.h (C) If I'm in the parent folder of folder 'root' and run command g++ -I./root -MM -MT root/c/c.o root/c/c.cpp the results is also correct: root/c/c,o : root/c/c.cpp root/c/c.h (D) Now, if I'm in folder 'root' again and include the head file 'c.h' for 'c.cpp' by #include "c.h" instead of #include "c/c.h" the result is also correct. I'm wondering why (A) cannot give a correct dependency output but (B), (C) and (D) can. Thanks,