I have been in a situation where I needed to install a recent GCC from
scratch in my home directory (Linux). I do not have administrator
priviledges on my machine.
I have followed an answer to a question on stackoverflow [1], which in
turn refers to a wiki page of yours [2].
[1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/10662297/
[2] https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/InstallingGCC/
I have replaced 4.6.2 with 7.1.0 in those commands. My configure command
$PWD/../gcc-7.1.0/configure --prefix=$HOME/gcc-7.1.0 --disable-multilib
Running make and make install completed without fatal errors.
However, where do I find the executables?
More generally: how do I make GCC-7.1.0 available in my daily work?
Yes, I am able to amend my path variable.
Additional question:
the script on the two linked pages seems to install GCC in the same
directory as the source files. Is that a good idea?