On 13 June 2017 at 16:02, Peter Bushnell wrote: > The error I'm having trying to compile a Qt GUI program on Windows is... > > undefined reference to `_imp__PathRemoveFileSpecW@4' > > This should be resolved by adding lshlwapi, however that already > defined at the link below. > > https://github.com/kryptkoin/KryptKoin/blob/master/kryptkoin-qt.pro#L383 > > I've been tinkering with the pro file with no luck. I'm running qmake > with the above linked pro file as follows. > > qmake "USE_QRCODE=1" "USE_UPNP=1" "USE_IPV6=1" kryptkoin-qt.pro > > When checking the command line I cannot see lshlwapi in there. Then that will be why it's not being linked to. If your build system isn't passing that option to GCC it's not a problem with GCC.