Thanks Jonathan and Liu Hao, your suggestions and some tweaking did the job.
Here is what the member function looks like.
void jme::Locale::setGlobalLocale(const std::string& str){
char arg[str.length()+1];
strcpy(arg, str.c_str());
std::setlocale(LC_ALL, arg);
/*** TODO ***/
/* assign the value returned by std::setlocale(...) to a
std::wstring object */
On 03-May-2017 12:23 PM, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 3 May 2017 at 17:04, Papa wrote:
Yes, absolutely right. That's what I thought as well.
Now, who should look at this problem, MinGW64 or Gnu, who should I contact
to report this bug?
MinGW's setlocale has nothing to do with GCC, it's provided by MinGW.
What happens if you use a non-statically allocated char* directly,
without involving std::string?
void jme::Locale::setGlobalLocale(const std::string&){
char arr[] = "";
std::setlocale(LC_ALL, arr );
Or maybe more likely to fail immediately:
void jme::Locale::setGlobalLocale(const std::string&){
char* p = new char[1]();
std::setlocale(LC_ALL, p );
delete[] p;
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