>From 2.22, glibc added libmvec and, as I understood it inspecting the executables, gcc emits code that requires it when certain optimizations are turned on* and the host libc supports mathvec. Executables compiled in such a way cannot be linked, at runtime, with older versions of glibc as they obviously lack libmvec. Since I cannot recompile the user's glibc (with --disable-mathvec) and that some distros, debian stable in particular, still ship with pre-2.22 glibc, there should be a way to disable that behavior from gcc without having to setup a whole environment and toolchain with an older glibc. libmvec itself does not like linking to a different glibc version it wasn't compiled with and, needless to say, static linking is not an option with glibc, so I see no way to ship it with my executable and include it in the ld search path. Any suggestion? * though, as I tested, it seems that compiling with every optimization turned off still generates code requiring libmvec