You say before builtin sscanf, atof and strod has no dependency from libc. Does all these functions directly calls libc functions? Always yours, Fiodar Stryzniou исходное сбщ Тема: Re: builtin sscanf От: Jeff Law <law@xxxxxxxxxx> Дата: 19.10.2016 23.05 On 10/19/2016 12:45 PM, fedor_qd wrote: > How precize this function? > I write sample: > int main() > { > float x, y; > __builtin_sscanf("30,981", "%f", &x); > __builtin_printf("Test comma: %f\n", x); > return(0); > } > > Compile with options: g++ main.c -o hello -static-libgcc > > This sample returns 30.00 but 30.981 expected That would depend on your host implementation of printf/scanf and is outside of GCC's control. jeff