On 23 June 2016 at 11:59, Dinesh Pathak wrote: > Hi, I have written a shared library using C++11 features, compiled > with gcc 4.8, libc 2.18, which needs to be run on a client's CentOS 6 > machine, which has gcc 4.4.7, libc 2.12. There are some symbols in > this library which are not found in libc 2.12, so how can I use this > library on CentOS 6. I have flexibility in how, where, which machine > the library can be compiled, but eventually it should be usable on > client CentOS 6, where packages can not be touched. > If I compile the library using DevTools-2 on CentOS 6, can there can > be any ABI related issues between these two versions of gcc/g++. > Please let me know if there are any other suggestions.Thanks in advance. Use the Developer Toolset to build on CentOS 6, it's designed to solve exactly this problem. That will produce binaries that run on CentOS 6 with no additional requirements.