On 22/01/16 03:00, crasypantz wrote:
My understanding is with a gcc plugin, by the time I get to analyze the AST
the entire source file has been parsed. Therefore, I don't understand how I
could access the old declaration before the merge (maybe that was your final
answer). Also, the example you show has a different signature between
declaration and definition where the former returns 'void' and the latter
returns 'int'. Or when you say 'set a breakpoint', are you using the
different return value to effectively accomplish this? Sorry if you are
speaking high level and I'm not keeping up- please bear with me :)
What I mean is that if you debug gcc while running that testcase and put a
breakpoint at the point of gcc's code where that error is given, you can find
out when the merging occurs and what happens to the old tree node.
Not sure if plugins can at the moment access that info, but you can always
propose patches to enable that. The plugin API is driven by its users, there is
no grand design.