Hi, I am trying to follow a tutorial in which C code is compiled, for example void buffers_function(int a, int b, int c) { char buffer1[10]; char buffer2[11]; } void main() { buffers_function(1,2,3); } and is compiled using the following command line: gcc -S -o example1.s example1.c the problem is, example1.s does not include 3 pushes of the parameters and then the call to buffers_function, but instead it includes: movl $3, 8(%esp) movl $2, 4(%esp) movl $1, (%esp) call function which GCC flags do I need to use in order to see the 3 pushes instead of the movl operation? Thanks! ---- Sent using GuerrillaMail.com Block or report abuse: https://www.guerrillamail.com/abuse/?a=RkJ3SAUFT6Q1jw23vnkRZ1rIX80%3D