Yes! Thank you sooooo much
-----Original Message-----
From: Ángel González
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 1:33 PM
To: Hotmail (ArbolOne)
Cc: gcc-help Mailing List
Subject: Re: PlaySoundW
On 16/05/15 18:40, Hotmail (ArbolOne) wrote:
bool ps = !!PlaySoundW(Soundfile.c_str(), NULL, SND_ASYNC);
if(ps == false) {
std::wcout << L"ps is false, it is " << ps << endl;
} else {
std::wcout << L"ps is not false, it is " << ps << endl;
ps is not false, it is 1
The code above compiles with out any problem, but now sound is produced. I
have added –lwinmm to the Linker Settings –> Other Linker Options in Code
Blocks, is there anything else I should do?
I am using MinGW64 MSYS2 on my Win8.1 box.
Probably, you are attempting to play a sound *named* with what's
actually a filename (I'm assuming *SND_ALIAS is the default*). I think
you should be pasing *SND_FILENAME to the third parameter. And since
you are requesting it to be played asynchronously, I wouldn't be
surprised if it started played but stopped immediatly as your program
closes. I would start by playing it synchronously, and only change to
ASYNC after it's working.
bool ps = PlaySoundW(Soundfile.c_str(), NULL, SND_SYNC | *SND_FILENAME*);
And as Jonathan pointed out, this is a question off-topic for this
mailing list. You could try a microsoft windows coding resource instead.
In this case , just looking at the function documentation may have
solved it, too
Best regards