On 31 March 2015 at 14:16, Pengcheng Yang wrote: > Hi Jonathan Wakely, > > Following the instructions on https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/InstallingGCC, I have > tested using the following command: > cd /panfs/home/kang/yangpc/soft/lib/packages > tar -zxf gcc-4.9.2.tar.gz > cd gcc-4.9.2 > ./contrib/download_prerequisites > mkdir /panfs/home/kang/yangpc/soft/lib/packages/gcc-build > cd /panfs/home/kang/yangpc/soft/lib/packages/gcc-build > /panfs/home/kang/yangpc/soft/lib/packages/gcc-4.9.2/configure > --prefix=/panfs/home/kang/yangpc/soft/lib/gcc-4.9.2 --disable-multilib > make This doesn't make any sense to me, I can build gcc-4.9.2 using the same steps, so there must be some problem related to your local machine or the paths you're using. If you didn't do it already, try removing the entire GCC build and source trees and starting again in completely empty directories.