On 26/01/15 19:07, Yermolenko Pavel wrote:
Hello Kyrill,
I'm using Code::Blocks as program interface.
When I use custom Contiki makefile, the compilation passes without errors.
But this way (custom makefile) I can't add/modify compiler flags ... at least I don't know for the moment ho to do it.
Unchecking "This is a custom Makefile" in "Project Options" allows to take into account compiler flags, but all staff from makefile is rejected and project building fails.
Is there some way to "marry" custom makefile approach with editing/specifying compilation options.
Sorry, don't know how Code::Blocks projects work. I suggest you ask a
Code::Blocks community until you get to a point where you can use your
own Makefile where you can modify your GCC options.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kyrill Tkachov [mailto:kyrylo.tkachov@xxxxxxx]
Sent: vendredi 23 janvier 2015 15:22
To: Yermolenko Pavel; gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Contiki example compilation failed
On 23/01/15 10:11, Yermolenko Pavel wrote:
While trying to compile very simple project (hello_world) the
following errors occur (please see the copy of Build log below) Can someone help me in resolving of the problem.
Or at least understand what mean these messages - in the core of error message there is "selected processor" ... but in compiler settings I didn't specify any processor ?
What default cpu is the compiler configured with? Look for the --with-cpu or --with-arch line in the output of 'gcc -v'. Judging from the 'cc2538dk' in your path I'm guessing you're trying to build for a
Cortex-M3 processor? Try specifying -mthumb and -mcpu=cortex-m3 on the command line explicitly.
Thanks in advance.
-------------- Build: Makefile in hello_world MinGW (compiler: GNU GCC
Compiler for ARM)---------------
arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -I..\..\platform\cc2538dk
-I..\..\platform\cc2538dk\dev -I..\..\core -I..\..\core\sys
-I..\..\cpu\cc2538 -I..\..\cpu\cc2538\dev -c
..\..\platform\cc2538dk\startup-gcc.c -o
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCi6gqg.s: Assembler messages:
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCi6gqg.s:261: Error: selected processor does not support Thumb mode `it lt'
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCi6gqg.s:262: Error: Thumb does
not support conditional execution Process terminated with status 1 (0
minute(s), 0 second(s))
2 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))