Hi everybody, I’m trying to compile a precise version of GCC, on OS X 10.10-DP7 (Yosemite), using Xcode 6 (GM). I’ve installed all the dependencies (listed on homebrew) using homebrew, which are: gmp, libmpc, mpfr, cloog, isl. The compilation (make) went well (using clang) for every dependencies but now I have a compilation error on GCC itself: http://pastebin.com/zUM5fUPn Configured using: « ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.8.3 --enable-plugin » Does anyone knows what’s the problem, how to solve it or another way to compile it please? Thank you ! -- Cordialement, Adnan RIHAN. Directeur-Gérant de Eolis-Software, société de services informatiques. GPG: 5675-62BA (https://keybase.io/max13/key.asc) -> Si vous n'utilisez pas GPG mais souhaitez quand même m’envoyer un e-mail chiffré: (https://encrypt.to/0x567562BA).