Dear gcc members, I'm Jungsoo Son The reason that I send this mail to you is that I want to know how to use 'freorder-functions' using 'fprofile-arcs'. I've tried several times but it was fail on my test. The function location was not reordered. Function location was same with 'no freorder-fuctions' Should I set attribute to each function as "__attribute__ ((section("" ? The following is my test sequence: 1. compile sample code with '-fprofile-arcs' (gcc -o sample sample.c -> fprofile-arcs) 2. run sample program (./sample) --> i got a file profiled sample.gcda 3. recompile sample code with 'freorder-functions' (gcc -o sample sample.c -> freorder-functions) --> I thought that the gcc use gcda when source files are compiled. But there is no difference from original binary (gcc -o sample sample.c) Please let me know how to use '-freorder-functions'. Regards, Jungsoo