Thats old cake. Objective-C++ is exactly what you want. See? — ObjC++ #include <iostream> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> class DatValue { public: std::string oo; }; @interface do_the : NSObject {} +(void)talk:(std::string)that; @end @implementation do_the +(void)talk:(std::string)that { std::cout << "I am supposed to say: " << that << std::endl; } @end int main() { DatValue dv; dv.oo="Derp!"; [do_the talk:dv.oo]; } — Note, this only works on Mac…the code, that is. I did not remember the exact contents of <objc/objc.h>, otherwise I would have just used the Gnu runtime. But basicaly, thats how it looks like. Make sure to save the file with .mm eding, and link to the runtime. I.e.: $ g++ -o derp -lobjc will do. Am 30.04.2014 um 17:55 schrieb Steven Boyls <sboyls@xxxxxx>: > I was reading on the gnustep site that soon gcc would be able to compile files that contained both objective-c and c++. > What is the status of this? > When will it be implemented. > > Regards, > > Steve > > Sent from my iPhone