On 28 April 2014 06:49, Yuriy Chernyshov wrote: > Greetings. > > I'm trying to compile gcc-4.8.2 on powerpc64 to run on powerpc32. > The problem is that I don't have sudo privileges on target machine, That's not a problem, there's no need for root privs. > so > I'm installing everything locally. I've all prerequisites preinstalled > and gcc/g++-4.1.2. > > I configure with the following command: > ./configure --prefix=/gpfs/data/chernyshov/chroot > --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-shared > --with-gmp=/gpfs/data/chernyshov/chroot > --with-mpc=/gpfs/data/chernyshov/chroot > --with-mpfr=/gpfs/data/chernyshov/chroot You should read http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/InstallingGCC