Akshya Chhabra <akshya.chhabra <at> gmail.com> writes: > > Hi, > I am trying to setup GCOV in my env for that I have added these > flags in for compilation and linking. > > CFLAGS_linux= -m32 -fPIC -g -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage > > LDFLAGS_linux= -m32 -shared -L/usr/lib -fprofile-arcs > > After this I am able to compile properly and the corresponding .o and > .gcno files are generated. > > But when I am trying to start my process it is giving me this error > while starting the process. > > ERROR bad load_module for: > "/u02/sms/achhabra/B6400_BRANCH/sms_bins/lib/fm_sir_utils.so": > /u02/sms/achhabra/B6400_BRANCH/sms_bins/lib/fm_sir_utils.so: undefined > symbol: __gcov_merge_add > > Can you please help me in fixing this issue asap. > After fixing the above issue I am facing this issue now .. For me the .gcda files is itself not getting generated any where in my env. I hope I have not missed anything . I am working with shared libraries. Any pointer ??? for me the .gcno is generated properly after compilation and the .gcno and .so is in the same directory . The main process which I am running is loading this shared library and calling it for during various operations. With this main process I am doing those operations but somehow the .gcda is not getting generated because of which I am not able to run gocv on the source file.