Hi list,
I use gcc 4.8.1 + newlib on a cortex-m3. I'm trying to link my app with
libc and a library "libtlc.a" that I created out of a bunch of object
files (init.o, tlc.o, cpu.o) as follows:
arm-none-eabi-ar rcs build/libtlc.a build/core_cm3.o build/cpu.o
build/startup.o build/init.o build/tlc.o
Within tlc.o I have the stubs implementation for _exit _sbrk ...
I can see the assembly with objdump ether in the .o and in the libtlc.a
I try linking with this command
arm-none-eabi-g++ -W -Wall -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -march=armv7-m
-nostartfiles -Wl,-Map=maketest.map -Wl,-Tlinkerscript.ld main.o -lc
-lstdc++ -lgcc -ltlc -o maketest.elf
but fail with these errors
... abort.c:63: undefined reference to `_exit' (same error for _sbrk,
_getpid and _kill).
On the contrary, if I use the object file "tlc.o" in the linking phase,
I'm able to produce the elf app:
arm-none-eabi-g++ -W -Wall -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -march=armv7-m
-nostartfiles -Wl,-Map=maketest.map -Wl,-Tlinkerscript.ld main.o
tlc.o -lc -lstdc++ -lgcc -ltlc -o maketest.elf
What is the difference? The functions defs are in either tlc.o as well
as in libtlc.o, but I'm able to produce the binary app only with the
object file, not with the library.