On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Feuerbacher, Alan <AFeuerbacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > The problem I'm having now in installing octave is that when my new gcc is run by octave's install script, gcc runs the old RHEL5 ld program rather than the new ld from binutils-2.21.52, which screws up all manner of things. The old programs are incompatible with the new ones in terms of glibc version, ELF version and so forth. Normally if you configure GCC and the binutils with the exact same prefix, and install both, then GCC will use the ld built by the binutils. > which ld > ########## > ld is /usr/bin/ld > ld is /home/afbacher/LFS71/lfs84/usr/bin/ld > ########## > /home/afbacher/LFS71/lfs84/usr/bin/gcc dummy.c -B/home/afbacher/LFS71/lfs84/usr/ -v -Wl,--verbose >| dummy.log 2>&1 The -B option has to name the directory where ld is found. In this case it seems that that should be /home/afbacher/LFS71/lfs84/usr/bin/ , which is not what you show here. Ian