Recently I had discovered that there was an Android port of GCC, which can be found on Google Play According to the description, the source code of GCC was not modified to build it for Android(which while being Java-based still runs the Linux kernel, so some compatibility is present). But Android does not support glibC and uses it's own standard library called Bionic which is derived from the BSD one. I am a Windows user, but if necessary I could use VirtualBox or any other OS emulator to run a Linux OS. I already have the Android SDK and NDK installed. I wish to build GCC for Android as well. If you are wondering why I want to build it, it is because I want to create a full fledged development environment on Android(GCC,Binutils,GNU Make,Autotools etc). If you are wondering why on earth would anyone want GCC on Android, it is because some of us need a compiler wherever they are, regardless whether it's a tablet or a phone. I am unsure of whether it's possible to compile GCC under Windows, but if possible(unless a lot of requirements need to be met) then I'd sure like to do that to remove dependencies of other OSes. But I am much more baffled on how to include Bionic, when all I have is .o files(object files) of the startup routines(crtbegin_dynamic.o, crtend_android.o;all of them already compiled for ARM) and I do see a libc.a, but no source code sadly. I am providing a screenshot of the verbose output of GCC 4.7.1 for ARM Linux(Android) which tells me it's build options Any tips would be great. I am really looking forward to doing this. P.S I am aware that Android has strict permissions and does not allow files to be run on sdcard, but I will worry about that later.