于 2012/6/20 3:02, niXman 写道:
I've built MInGW using the sources GCC version 4.7.1.
When using LTO '-flto=N' when N greater 1 - I get the following error:
"make": [C:\Users\niXman\AppData\Local\Temp\ccl7QYlh.ltrans0.ltrans.o] Error 1 (ignored)
If I use '-flto' или '-flto=1' then the error is absent.
Tell me please, where is this error printed from? Because of what?
This error is found also in gcc-4.6.3 and gcc-4.7.0.
I'd like to have an working LTO whith more than one thread.
The option should only support GNU make with jobserver feature
Best Regards,