Hi guys, I am working on a CmakeProjekt. This Projekt creates a shared Library, lets call it lib_shared. This shared library will be created in the following directory: /home/username/project/build/sharedlibdirectory/ . THEN this Cmake project builds a testrun-executable in the following path: /home/username/project/build/testrundirectory/ . The shared library lib_shared is linked against this test-executable. Everything works fine. My problem appears when i try to use Gcov for this projekt. Of course i want to have the code coverage of the sourcefiles of the sharedlibrary. I have used the flag "--coverage" and created the gcno files: The gcno-Files for the test-exectutable will be created in /home/username/project/build/testrundirectory/CMakeFiles/testrundirectory.dir/ The gcno-Files for the shared library will be created in /home/username/project/build/sharedlibdirectory/CMakeFiles/sharedlibdirectory.dir/ Then i have started the testrun. The gcda Files of this testrun will be created in /home/username/project/build/testrundirectory/CMakeFiles/testrundirectory.dir/ . Good. But i need the gcda files of the shared library. They dont appear nowhere. I tried a lot with GCOV_PREFIX and GCOV_PREFIX_SPLIT but i think i have some problem to set the correct path, especially with handling these Cmake-Dirs. Can somebody tell me which path do i have to set with these environment variables? Or did i forget something? I mean there is actually everything what i need but not the gdca-file of the shared lib. Thanks Daniel