Ryan et al, Thanks for adding another data point what I've begun to suspect (not "know," but "suspect"). I gather [from the "interWebs"] that this problem is specific to gcc 4.1.2 compiling gcc 4.3.6 on 64-bit. Whatever. My solution was to complete the make-install with "-i" for the first version. Then, I compiled a clean 4.3.6 using the "dirty" 4.3.6. Lastly, use the "clean" 4.3.6 to compile the "final/good/shiny" 4.3.6. Recursive error correction or just silly? Meh -- all DejaGNU tests pass... and no errors were reported. I guess that's the best that I can think up. Your thoughts? Thanks to Ian, too. I appreciate the assistance. I ran through this dozens of times before regressing/devolving/etc to my "recursive error correction" method. I didn't see anything in the last 200 lines of the make log that was meaningful -- beyond what I posted (`tail -[100,200]|less`is my standard query). I hope that this is a "valid" approach. I used the "clean gcc 4.3.6" to do a subsequent error-free build of gcc 4.3.6. A little knuckle-head, sure... but valid, right? Or have I just worked the errors into the dough? - Todd