Hi, I am porting a specs file that has been in use with the very old gcc 3.3.3 to gcc 4.6.1 and I am having some trouble with the following: *invoke_as: %{!S:-o %{|!pipe:%g.s} | as %(asm_options) %{!pipe:%g.s} %A } which results in GCC 4.6.1 saying: xap-local-xap-gcc-4.6.1: fatal error: braced spec '|!pipe:%g.s} | as %(asm_options) %{!pipe:%g.s} %A' is invalid at '|' I can't really find the problem. I have been looking at the manual and can't really understand why gcc 4.6.1 is complaining but 3.3.3 seems perfectly happy with it. Any ideas? -- PMatos