I use gorftran on a windows platform. I actually have problem with the
complex numbers. Most of the time, when there is an power to an
complex numbre, the real must be real*4 instead of real*8 perhaps it
crash. Howerver, sometimes it is ok.
Exemple :
costheta1=sqrt(1.0-(1.0-costheta0(i)**2)/(n**2.0)) ... crach!!!
(n=cmpl*8, costheta0-real*8)... if I put costheta0(real*4) then it
does not crash anymore. However I need costheta0 to be in real*8.
real(costheta0(i)**2 - (1.0-n**2))
do not crach???
Hopw you can help me...
Thank you
Alexandre Roy