Hi, I am using eclipse to cross compile for an embedded processor, using its bare metal gcc tools (assembler, compiler, linker). The toolchains are installed properly and the toolchain calls the gcc tools and utils one by one. All works well. I am trying to build a C project that also has a CRT.S file included as the preprocessed file for startup. I read the following: Preprocessing - The *as* internal preprocessor:It does not do macro processing, include file handling, or anything else you may get from your C compiler's preprocessor. Now the way the toolchains are used, it appears that .S files are preprocessed by the Assembler, because my MACROs in the .S are never getting defined & in the make files I see that the .S files are given to Assembler. Without going inside eclipse, how can I let the pre processing to be done by Compiler instead of Assembler? Hope it make sense, being new to some of these things! Thanks