Hi. First, I would like to apologize if this isn't in any way related to GCC, however I don't know anywhere else where I can turn to. Please consider the following code: // host.cpp // compile with: g++ -ldl host.cpp -o host #include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { printf( "host: Loading libchild.so...\n" ); void * so = dlopen( "./libchild.so", RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW ); printf( "host: so = %p\n", so ); if( so == 0 ) return 1; printf( "host: Unloading libchild.so...\n" ); if( dlclose( so ) != 0 ) { printf( "host: Error: %s\n", dlerror() ); return 1; } printf( "host: Unloaded.\n" ); printf( "host: %p\n", dlopen( "./libchild.so", RTLD_NOLOAD ) ); return 0; } // child.cpp // compile with: g++ -lboost_signals child.cpp -shared -fPIC -o libchild.so #include <stdio.h> #include <boost/signals.hpp> struct foobar_t { boost :: signal< void () > signal; }; void __attribute__ ( ( constructor ) ) ctor() { foobar_t foobar; printf( "child: Constructor\n" ); } void __attribute__ ( ( destructor ) ) dtor() { printf( "child: Destructor\n" ); } This is the output I get: host: Loading libchild.so... child: Constructor host: so = 0x94b6020 host: Unloading libchild.so... host: Unloaded. host: (nil) child: Destructor As you can see, dlclose() doesn't properly unload the .so, even though it claims that it has done so. If you'll remove this line: boost :: signal< void () > signal; it works properly: host: Loading libchild.so... child: Constructor host: so = 0x8f6f020 host: Unloading libchild.so... child: Destructor host: Unloaded. host: (nil) It took me a while to track this down. Now, my question is - is this a bug? If so, in what? In GCC? (I tried this with both 4.5 and 4.6) In the dynamic linker? In Boost? If not - why? And how would I fix this? Any insight in greatly appreciated. Thanks.