Mahmood Naderan <nt_mahmood@xxxxxxxxx> writes: >>Either rename it or compile with g++, see the manual >  > The make file is generated with a configure script. If I rename to .C I get this error: >  > make[2]: *** No rule to make target `bpred.c', needed by `bpred.o'. Stop. > > On the other hand, I don't know how to tell makefile to compile *only* > bpred.c with g++. You have project that has C file 'bpred.c' and try to use C++ constructs from within this file. Unless you indeed know what you are doing (and I'm sorry to say it, but it seems you don't), better stop doing it and use IO features from C language (e.g., fprintf() from <stdio.h>) instead of <fstream>. Chances are high your project is C-only and it may be rather hard or even undesirable to make it mixed C/C++ project. -- Sergei.