On 04/15/2011 04:00 PM, Mate Soos wrote:
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On 04/15/2011 07:41 PM, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
Brian Budge<brian.budge@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
It sounds like an idea which would be extremely expensive in compilation
time. Nobody will use a compiler which takes too long to compile.
We don't need to go as far as you suggest. For example, we could get
better register allocation we if put more time into it, by trying out
several different possibilities. That would be a fairly straightforward
change, almost certainly easier to implement than what you suggest. But
we don't do it, because it would take too long, so nobody would use it.
You can casually say that nobody cares if the final compilation of
firefox takes 1 CPU year, but in fact people do care, because they want
to test what they ship.
I don't want to discourage you from exploring this idea if you find it
interesting, but I'm pretty skeptical that it would ever become part of
a gcc distribution.
On the other hand, I would put up with compile times that take twice
or even 10 times as long (for our final test and final release build)
for a 10% speedup of my code. If this is very easy to do, maybe it
makes sense to add an optimization flag that specifies how many
permutations are allowed to be checked?
I wouldn't say it is very easy. I would just say that it is easier than
a general solution solver.
Well, it's probably not very fast, but it's hard to tell how fast it can
be made. I would guess a slowdown of maybe 50x-100x as a lower bound
(thus the 1 year CPU time I guessed). However, a compiler evolves slowly
anyway, so by the time something like this gets to the point of maturity
is 5-8 years, by which time both CPUs, compilers and SAT solvers will be
faster, so more complex optimizations could be executed without any
major user problems. In fact, users will eventually demand "better"
compilers for their better CPUs, and this could be an opportunity to use
those extra CPU cycles in a meaningful way.
I do understand Ian's skepticism in the very real-world sense, though. I
just think that in the long run, this sort of advanced reasoning will be
welcome by both users and developers. For example, once such a reasoning
engine is inside, register placement optimizations could be translated
directly into a Max-SAT problem, which means that theoretical maximum
optimisation could be achieved. I guess what is used today is a
hand-rolled optimiser with domain-specific default heuristics. These
tend to work relatively well, but a dedicated reasoning engine with some
domain-specific heuristics should outperform them with ease. For
example, Debian is currently working on replacing their package
management system (apt-get et al.) with a dedicated reasoning engine,
because the problem is getting out of hand (see the Mancoosi project).
I don't think that Ian is trying to discourage you. He probably just
want you to be ready that this will be not used as a product.
What you are going to do is very interesting at least for me. I also
had some thoughts as you for long time and played with a lot with
different RA LP models and solving them as ILP. This area was pretty
popular as a research (there are a lot of articles about them) last ten
years but still it does not become a compiler product.
I also though that the computers become faster and ILP based RA might be
sometime used in an industrial compiler. Big hope for me was also GPUs
which now have thousands processors and simplex method is easily
parallelized. But the complexity of the problem solved by the compiler
grows even faster than CPU power (e.g. some people want to compiler
several million lines program as one function because it gives them a
real big improvement). ILP RA models generate more and more sparse
matrices and therefore real ILP solvers use *revised* simplex method
which is not such nicely parallelized as regular simplex algorithm and
the revised algorithm is still faster on one CPU than regular
parallelized simplex method on best GPUs for RA of current days programs.
So what you are going to do will be a very interesting research. The
major advantage of your works is that it will be done on real industrial
compiler. But I have big doubts that any optimal solution solvers (ILP
or SAT based ones) will be a product even in ten years. I have more
hope to achieve product status for optimizations working one smaller
parts of the program (like software pipelining).
And please trust me the new original research work is even more
interesting than the product with all its numerous bugs fixing.
Anyway, I will keep thinking about this, maybe try to get some grip on
how gcc internal representations work. If I get stuck, I will just nag
you all ;)