I'm sure Yann can give a better explanation, but we decided to stop
moving patches to newer versions of source components in crosstool-ng
until we can verify the patches with upstream maintainers.
I posted a couple of (very) detailed messages regarding my ongoing
experience with crosstool-ng to the crossgcc mailing list (problems, bug
fixes as well as questions and ideas), so I am sure when Yann or anyone
else interested in this will pick them up in due course.
I guess this would be a great time to ask if we can get this patch
merged upstream or at least check the validity of the patch with Ian.
Either way, thanks for testing the patch. Please let us know how the build goes.
Building (with the new patch) is running at present (about 25+ minutes
to go I reckon), so will post the result. If it fails I may as well
downgrade the binutils to version 2.20.1 because there are quite a few
patches there and I think I might have better luck. I did quite a lot of
modifications to the whole process though, but this is not the thread
for it - when I am done I will post the details on the crossgcc mailing
list. Fingers crossed...