I see that the c++ library is part of the GCC 4.5.1 download. Is libc also part of this download or do I need to go to the appropriate site http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/ to get it?
It's worth mentioning that you may already have them on your machine. You didn't mention what operating system you're using. If you have a UNIX, BSD, or Linux operating system, you probably already have a C library and the headers. It would be rare for a modern computer to be able to boot without at least the library. Try typing "locate stdlib.h" at the command prompt. If you don't have it, install the package that contains the headers. If you're on OS X, install the SDK which comes with XCode. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, it would have installed the C Run-time Library and headers already.
While I am very much a fan of the gnu project, I note that glibc does some things a little differently to other C library implementations. In order to keep my code portable, I have to avoid using certain glibc functions.