Ian said in his response that if my language is very different than C I should
not use trees. Have you any idea of what I can use instead ?
Hey Asma,
I'm not sure what Ian meant in detail, but I think that he wanted to say
that you then shouldn't possibly use the TREE codes and
tree-representation of GCC, but to use whatever intermediate
representation is appropriate for your needs. If you would look up the
literature, you would find tree-based structures as dominant
intermediate structure, but most of these books then refer to
C-syntax-like languages. Though, it is generally hard to predict which
structure perfectly matches your needs. As said, you could use whatever
you want. All you need to make sure is to finally translate to GIMPLE at
some point.
I look at the ghdl front end and I did not find vhdl-tree.def to see if they
defined a new tree code for this fe.
This file is not mandatory, I think. So, if they don't use one, they
might not use additional tree codes. Well, if they use GENERC/tree-based
IR at all!
Best regards,