Hi All,
I am building a model which should be portable to any possible platform.
Unfortunately, the support for gfortran users is limited, so that is why
I try to ask my question here.
There is a script that used the system() command.
Now, as a (g)fortran newbie, I am not exactly sure what it does, and
definitely not how to define it for my linux environment.
In my example:
public :: shr_sys_system ! make a system call
public :: shr_sys_chdir ! change current working dir
public :: shr_sys_getenv ! get an environment variable
public :: shr_sys_abort ! abort a program
public :: shr_sys_irtc ! returns real-time clock tick
public :: shr_sys_sleep ! have program sleep for a while
public :: shr_sys_flush ! flush an i/o buffer
in which a subroutine is configured as follows (e.g. for shr_sys_system):
SUBROUTINE shr_sys_system(str,rcode)
!----- arguments ---
character(*) ,intent(in) :: str ! system/shell command string
integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: rcode ! function return error code
!----- functions -----
#if (defined CRAY) || (defined UNICOSMP)
integer(SHR_KIND_IN),external :: ishell ! function to envoke
shell command
#if (defined OSF1 || defined SUNOS || (defined LINUX && !defined
__G95__) || (defined LINUX && !defined CATAMOUNT))
integer(SHR_KIND_IN),external :: system ! function to envoke
shell command
!----- local -----
#if (defined CATAMOUNT)
character(2*SHR_KIND_CL) :: file1 ! one or two filenames
character( SHR_KIND_CL) :: file2 ! 2nd file name
integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: iloc ! index/location within
a string
!----- formats -----
character(*),parameter :: subName = '(shr_sys_system) '
character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_sys_system) ',4a)"
! PURPOSE: an architecture independant system call
! - for Catamount (Cray, pheonix at ORNL) there is no system call --
! exist only for simple "rm" and "cp" commands
In the last part, there are some calls dependent on my system (my case =
#if (defined CRAY) || (defined UNICOSMP)
#if (defined IRIX64 || defined NEC_SX)
rcode = 0
call system(str)
#if (defined AIX)
call system(str,rcode)
#if (defined OSF1 || defined SUNOS || defined LINUX && !defined
CATAMOUNT || defined __G95__)
rcode = SYSTEM(str)
#if (!defined CRAY && !defined IRIX64 && !defined AIX && !defined OSF1
&& !defined SUNOS && !defined LINUX && !defined NEC_SX && !defined
UNICOSMP && !defined __G95__)
write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR: no implementation for this architecture'
call shr_sys_abort(subName//'no implementation for this architecture')
END SUBROUTINE shr_sys_system
So my question here is how to define the system call exactly for Linux.
Because as it is now, I get the following error:
In function `shr_sys_system':
undefined reference to `system_'
and I can't seem to find a lot of information on this on the web!
Therefore, any help is welcome!