27.1.2011 16:57, MFL Commissioner kirjoitti:
Kai Ruottu wrote:
27.1.2011 16:14, John Marino kirjoitti:
While building a cross compiler (target Android), the process stopped at
the libgcc build where it checks if the new compiler can produce
executables. This is the error message:
/home/marino/cross-android/work/build/./gcc/as -march=armv5te
-mfloat-abi=soft -mfpu=vfp -meabi=5 -o test.o /tmp//ccHEgv0T.s
exec: -march=armv5te: not found
(The message changed to more sane one)
What does that mean?
That the error came from 'as', not from 'gcc' or 'cc1'. Assembler
is not a GCC component but one of the GNU binutils parts...
What's not found?
Most probably an 'as' for your 'armv5-android-eabi' target. Did
you build and install the GNU binutils for 'armv5-android-eabi'
The arm assembler is located at:
Is the system assembler getting picked up instead of the new binutils one?
Yes, the new GCC expects it being in :
So: Why you used a different target name with GCC than with binutils?
The rule is that both the $prefix and $target values should be just the
same otherwise binutils and GCC aren't in sync!
Just make a symlink :
armv5-android-eabi -> armv-android-eabi
in '/AFS/android-9-arm/cross219' and things should work!