Hi Guys, I am having problem in linking my source code. I am using arm-linux-gcc 3.4 tool chain to compile my source code. This tool chain came with the dev kit. I want to use standard libraries in my source code by at the time of linking i get segfault error. This project had got 2 make files. The top level which defines -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPDIR := $(shell /bin/pwd) export TOPDIR export CC=arm-linux-gcc export LD=arm-linux-ld OBJCOPY=arm-linux-objcopy OBJDUMP=arm-linux-objdump export TOP_CFLAGS= -O2 -Wall -fPIC -mcpu=arm9tdmi -I../include -nostdlib export LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -T SDcard_bootloader_fat16.lnk -Map SDcard_bootloader_fat16.map ASFLAGS = SDcard_bootloader: make -C main $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o SDcard_bootloader_fat16.elf main/mainrom.o $(OBJCOPY) -j rom -O binary SDcard_bootloader_fat16.elf SDcard_bootloader_fat16.bin $(OBJDUMP) -D SDcard_bootloader_fat16.elf > SDcard_bootloader_fat16.diss clean: make clean -C main rm -f $(OBJS) SDcard_bootloader_fat16.bin SDcard_bootloader_fat16.elf SDcard_bootloader_fat16.diss SDcard_bootloader_fat16.map ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a second make file in the c source directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC=arm-linux-gcc CFLAGS = $(TOP_CFLAGS) ASFLAGS = $(TOP_CFLAGS) #LDFLAGS = OBJ_y = head.o main.o print.o spi.o sd_raw.o SRCS = head.S main.c print.c spi.c sd_raw.c mainrom.o: dep $(OBJ_y) echo $$PWD $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -r -o mainrom.o $(OBJ_y) clean: rm -f *.o dep: depend depend: $(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS) 1>.depend # # include dependency files if they exist # ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),) include .depend endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file has got a option -r "$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o mainrom.o $(OBJ_y)" This option is causing the problem. If i take out this option i dont get a segfault linking error. I am not a advance c user. If i take -r option along with -nostdlib options. I can compile and link the source code but itis not executing. I searched for this option on google and its something to do partial linking. Couldn't get more info on this option. Can some one please tell what this option does. How to use stdlib with this option. Any pointers would help a lot . Thanks Tama