If one looks at the GNU Scientific library, there's a note that installing on
AIX needs some manual editing of files using gcc, as gcc's patched header files
seem to lack a few definitions that appear in the IBM header file.
It all stems around 'fprnd_t' which is clearly defined in /usr/include/float.h
-bash-4.1$ grep fprnd_t /usr/include/float.h
typedef unsigned short fprnd_t;
fprnd_t fp_read_rnd();
fprnd_t fp_swap_rnd();
fprnd_t fp_read_rnd(void);
fprnd_t fp_swap_rnd(fprnd_t rnd);
as an unsigned short.
But when gcc is built, it creates several files called 'float.h', but all of
these lack this definition
-bash-4.1$ find /opt/pware -name float.h
-bash-4.1$ grep fprnd_t /opt/pware/include/c++/4.2.4/tr1/float.h
-bash-4.1$ grep fprnd_t
-bash-4.1$ grep fprnd_t
This is from a gcc 4.2.4 binary downloaded from pware. I've run the 'mkheaders'
file, but that does not solve the problem.
Clearly this problem has existed for some time, as its documented in the GNU
Scientific Library INSTALL file.